
Christian Devotional – October 31, 2015

Read James chapter 3


James 3:2–We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.


First, we have to realize that we all stumble. None of us are perfect and we need to understand that to be the case. Second, we can also realize that the main culprit of the sin in our lives stem from what we say. If we could only keep control of what we say, then we would be perfect and able to keep everything in check. Unfortunately, none of us are able to keep tight enough control over our tongues. We need God to work through us each and every day so that the words that come out of our mouths are glorifying to Him.


Father, I know that I have sinned with the words that I have said. Keep me focused on You so that I can always sound like You would have me to sound. Thank You for the way You work in my life.