• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 25, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 10 Believing in God. Read Jonah 3:3-5. Jonah was finally obedient. God had given him a command and this time, Jonah obeyed. He went to the city of Nineveh and he shared the message with the people. He really didn’t even give them any kind of hope and he talk of repentance or anything like that. Jonah’s message was simply that God was going to judge them and they would be destroyed. The people believed in God and they turned to God even without any promise or hope of salvation. When we say we believe in God, do we recognize that God doesn’t have to do anything…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 24, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 9 Take two! Read Jonah 3:1-2. Jonah had sinned, but he repented and as a result, God brought him back to the decision where he went the wrong direction. Jonah was given the same command that he was given at the very beginning of the book, with the same opportunity for him to be obedient to God. So often that’s exactly how God works. When we mess up, God allows us the opportunity to repent. He has mercy and is willing to forgive us, but then he brings us right back to where we left off and we have the same choice to make again. Will we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 23, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 8 God’s command. Read Jonah 2:10. Just one verse we are looking at today, but it’s an important verse. This verse can only come after the verse from yesterday. It wasn’t until Jonah submitted himself to God’s will, that is what makes this verse possible. Jonah’s submission brings about God’s command. God sees Jonah in his situation and he chooses to change ot. God is responsible and capable of commanding the weather, the animals, and everything. We are never beyond his ability to change our circumstances, if he chooses. Are we submitting to God’s commands? Are we committing wholeheartedly to all that He desires? Once we submit…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 22, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 7 Finally. Read Jonah 2:2-9. After 3 days and 3 nights inside the belly of a fish, the words that God had been waiting to hear from Jonah finally come forth. Jonah declares that he will share that salvation is from the Lord. All God had been asking of Jonah was for him to take that message to the people of Nineveh. But, Jonah didn’t want to share that message. Jonah refused to share with the sailors on the boat, but God still displayed his glory to them anyway. Now, after 3 days, Jonah is finally willing to share that message with others. What will it take…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 21, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 6 When do you pray? Read Jonah 1:17-2:1. These two verses tell a very interesting story to me. We find out that Jonah has been swallowed by a huge fish and he is inside that fish for 3 days and 3 nights. The very next verse says that Jonah prayed. I find this so interesting, because I wonder how many ways Jonah tried to free himself before he finally decided to pray? If he waited three days to start praying to God, that’so odd to me. When we find ourselves in difficult and challenging situations, how often do we spend our time trying to figure out our…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 20, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 5 The unwilling evangelist. Read Jonah 1:15-16. Jonah was upset and he was running from God. Still, even in the midst of all of this, he was evangelizing and sharing the message of God with others. However, he wasn’t even intending to. The men threw him overboard, and they saw God work and move in a miraculous way. As a result, they believed. Jonah had no intention of trying to lead these fishermen to faith in the one true God, but he still did.God showed himself through all that Jonah was doing. God can use any situation we are in to demonstrate his glory and bring others…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 19, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 4 An innocent man. Read Jonah 1:11-14. As we pick up from the story yesterday, we see that the men are terrified and they are in the midst of a storm. Where is Jonah? He is in the bottom of the boat asleep. So they wake him up and ask him what’s going on. Jonah admits to them that this whole storm is his fault. He has been disobedient to God and God is punishing all of them because of it. Jonah tells the men to throw him overboard. Still, when the men refer to him in the next verse, they call him innocent. They pray to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 18, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 3 The information Jonah shared. Read Jonah 1:7-10. Jonah hadn’t known these people for very long and yet they already knew his reputation. He had told them he was running from God. So when the situation was becoming critical, they turned to him. Everything was pointing to Jonah. Why did Jonah tell them that he was running to God? These people didn’t know him and it seems an odd thing for Jonah to just share with them in casual conversation. What do we share with people? Jonah was still talking about God to others, even as he was being disobedient. Do we talk about God? Are we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 17, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 2 What are you sleeping through? Read Jonah 1:4-6. Jonah was on the run and he was desperate to get away from what God was leading him to do. But, he wasn’t paying attention to anything else except his disobedience. They were in a terrible situation and Jonah was oblivious. He was asleep in the bottom of the boat. When we are following God, he keeps us in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. However, if we are not being obedient, we can often find ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Are we paying attention to all that is going on…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 16, 2023

    Evangelism 101, Day 1 Have a message worth sharing. Read Jonah 1:1-3. This month at our church, Discover Church, we have an emphasis on sharing your faith. We are encouraging all our members to share their faith with at least one person this month. God has given us an incredible message to share! As we spend the next several days going through the book of Jonah, Jonah had a message to share as well. God gave Jonah a message and he wanted Jonah to share it, but Jonah didn’t want to. As we study through this incredible book, we’re going to keep the focus on evangelism and make sure that…