Christian Devotional – May 30, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 15 Credit. When we experience a victory, who gets the credit? Read Judges 15. As we see more of the story of Samson, he experiences some amazing victories. He is able to supernaturally defeat his enemies in a way that God’s glory and power is evident in his life. Then he sings a song of praise. However, that song is all about him. It talks about how great he is and his amazing victory. It doesn’t give credit or glory to God for how God worked and moved in his life and in that situation. Do we give God the praise and the glory for…
Christian Devotional – May 29, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 14 As Samson grows, we see some of the characteristics that will ultimately define him. Read Judges 14. Samson wanted something, so how did he figure out how to do get his way? He whine and nagged for it. He kept hounding his parents and kept on and as a result, they gave in and gave him what he wanted. Fast forward a little bit and we have this verse where Samson’s wife wants something and she whines and nags until he tells her. How do we respond when we don’t get our way? Do we continue to whine and nag and complain and make…
Christian Devotional – May 28, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 13 Get busy and do the work. We move to the story of Samson. Read Judges 13. This initial story of the announcement of the birth if Samson is always interesting to me. His Mom seems to accept the news of the coming of Samson without issue. She seems very practical about the whole situation. Samson’s father, on the other hand, is much more concerned and worried and seems to have a lot more questions about the whole situation. Even with the two very different personalities of his mother and father, God used them both. I love this because it reminds me that no matter…
Christian Devotional – May 27, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 12 It’s interesting to see how many children they had during this time. Much of this chapter talks about the leaders and their multiple children. Read Judges 12. Still, as we read through this chapter, it’s amazing to think about how many of these children these men had an opportunity to influence and to teach about the Lord. Yet, it doesn’t indicate that they did that in scripture. So often, we see people in the next generation or two who fall away from the Lord and start to do evil things. How are we raising up the next generation? How are we teaching them the…
Christian Devotional – May 26, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 11 Who do you surround yourself with. Take a few minutes and read the sad story of Jephthah in Judges 11. This is such a difficult chapter and a sad story. With so much going on in this chapter, my eyes were drawn to this verse. While it doesn’t say that Jephthah was seeking these types of people out, it also doesn’t say that he tried to get rid of them. Who do we associate with? What is the character of those that we spend our time with and allow to influence us? We often take on the traits and characteristics of our 5 closest…
Christian Devotional – May 25, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 10 In trouble, again. The people of Israel have served other gods again, and now they are in trouble. Read Judges 10. It always seemed like when things were going well, the people fell away from following God. Then when things got difficult again, they would return to God and ask his help. Do we only follow God for what he does for us? When times are good and things are going well do we forget God and all he does for us? God asked the people why they didn’t just run ro the false gods they had been following up to things point. What…
Christian Devotional – May 24, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 9 Jealousy, anger, and a thirst for power. All of these things became stumbling blocks that ultimately ended up in leading the entire country of Israel down the wrong path, again. Read Judges 9. Gideon had 70 sons. And you would think, with all of the success and blessing that Gideon experienced that his sons would have learned or understood where that came from. However they did not have the same relationship with God that Gideon did. That became obvious when one of the sons killed all of the other sons except one. How are we sharing our relationship with God with others? Do those…
Christian Devotional – May 23, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 8 Who leads you? As we think about the next day and read through Judges chapter 8, we see the rest of the story of Gideon. Gideon did amazing and phenomenal things through the Lord, and God used him in truly spectacular ways to save the people of Israel. However, the people didn’t understand and they wanted Gideon to rule over them. In this verse above, we see Gideon remind the people that it should be the Lord that rules over them. Who rules over us? Who do we turn to each day as the one we give our allegiance to? God is worthy of…
Christian Devotional – May 22, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 7 God knows us. God knows everything about us and is aware of even our insecurities. Read Judges 7. The Lord knew Godeon. He knew what he struggles with and what he felt. God allowed Gideon the opportunity to hear what he needed to hear in order to remind him that God is with him. God is going to keep his promises and fulfill what he says. I love how well God knew Gideon and how much he wanted to make sure that Gideon knew that God was with him. There are days that I need extra encouragement from God. I need to be reminded…
Christian Devotional, May 20, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 5 Praise. As we go through the day, we are to give praise to God. Read Judges 5. Here we see the victory party for the amazing victory over Sisera from yesterday. The people are rejoicing for all that God has done for them and his deliverance. Do we celebrate the victories that God gives us? Do we take a moment in the midst of the craziness to stop and thank him for his provision? God does phenomenal things in our lives ever day and he deserves to be praised for all that he does.