• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 30, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 7 Why the plagues? Read Exodus chapter 7. I’ve often wondered why God went through the plagues with the Egyptians. God knew that Pharaoh was going to harden his heart. God knew what it was going to take to ultimately convince him to let the Israelites leave. So, why take the whole journey? Why not just go straight to the plague that was going to convince Pharaoh and move on? God’s path that he takes is sometimes confusing and difficult to understand. However, there is purpose in the journey, not just the destination. God used all of the different plagues to bring about change not just…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 29, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 6 Encouragement in the midst of discouragement. Read Exodus chapter 6. The israelite people were upset with Moses. Moses had said he was there from the Lord to deliver them. However, after Moses spoke with Pharaoh, the Israelites work was harder than ever. They were discouraged and downcast. So, when Moses came back and said to them that they should trust in him and rejoice in the Lord and that God was going to continue to deliver them, they were not excited. When we are going through difficulties and discouragement come it can be really hard to get excited about the promises of God. It’s so…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 28, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 5 Challenges and difficulties. Read Exodus chapter 5. It never fails that when someone starts following God and obeying him, they experience some of the hardest challenges of their entire life. So often, I’ve said that if you are not going through challenges and difficulties in the Christian life, then you’re not doing something right. Moses and the Israelite people were no different. God gave Moses a command and Moses was obedient to that command. He went and asked pharaoh to release the people. However, nothing happened, at least not the way Moses was expecting it to. Pharaoh made things more difficult and harder for the…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 27, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 4 Care and concern. Read Exodus chapter 4. There is an old saying that people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. We see that lived out in this chapter. God himself is working to bring about the salvation of the Israelite people. God is demonstrating his might and his power to Moses and then later to the Israelite people. But why do the people bow down and worship to God? They worship God because they see that he cares about them. God has tremendous care and concern for every aspect of our life. God sees everything we are…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 26, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 3 The sign. Read Exodus chapter 3. God promised Moses a sign. I don’t know how many times I have read this chapter, but I’ve never noticed this before. God does indeed promise Moses a sign, but it is going to come after the obedience. When you read through this and when you think about other instances in the Bible when God gives a sign, we always think of the sign happening before the person follows through on their obedience to God. The sign is to be a motivator or a demonstration of God’s power and ability. Here, this is entirely different. The sign that God…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 25, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 2 God hears. Read Exodus chapter 2. Today we see the story of the birth of Moses. This is a remarkable story of God intervening in a situation in such a way that his chosen one is saved. As we come to the end of the chapter, we see that the situation for the Israelites has continued to deteriorate. They continue to go through difficult times and hardships. Still, God hears them. Even when we are in the midst of challenges, difficulties and struggles, God hears us. We are never alone. We may feel alone and while it may be difficult, God is with us and…