• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 14, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 17 Accountability. Read Luke 11:48. Reading through this verse, and the verses around it, it becomes easy to see that people in positions of leadership and authority have an increased accountability. When God allows us to have responsibility over many things, we are more accountable then others who do not have as much responsibility. When we think about leadership, anyone in a leadership position has an additional accountability to God for how they are utilizing that position. Are we taking the opportunity do as much with and for and through that leadership opportunity as what we should? Are we truly allowing God to move and work…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 13, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 16 Purpose. Read Proverbs 11:14. This proverb is in with multiple others that deal with wisdom. How can we be wise? What does being wise look like? What is the purpose for being wise. As we see here, we need wise advisers in order to be successful as a group. Trying to do things on our own, without having wise advisers, is not the best way to success. Christ has allowed some of us to be able to provide wise counsel to others. If we have that, then we are to do that for that is how we see success. We must listen to the wise…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 12, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 15 How do we lead? Read Psalm 78:72. This is a single verse at the end of a pslam about the life of David. When we look back at the life of David we know that he made many mistakes and he struggled with multiple areas throughout his life, but still, the psalmist tells us that he led through two main areas: integrity and skill. When we look to lead, we must have integrity. We have to be the person whose yes is yes and no is no. Our walk needs to match our talk. And when it doesn’t, we have to be open and humble…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 11, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 14 Encouragement. Read Titus 1:7-14 Here is another list that we need to be aware of when we think about qualifications of leadership. However, what’s interesting about this list is that it also includes the importance of encouragement. We need to understand how to encourage one another and as leaders, we set the stage for what encouragement should look like. Encouragement can only come from Christ. As we are encouraging others, we are speaking the truth into their life just like Christ. Christ encourages us, and because of that we are able to encourage others. When we look at our leadership today, how much of our…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 10, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 13 Growth is required. Read Ephesians 4:11-16. When we think of leadership, often we think of something that we have attained. Instead, leadership is actually something that we are in the process of attaining. It is a journey, not a destination. Leadership requires growth. We cannot be truly leading if we are not growing ourselves. We must be constantly seeking ways to improve ourselves and grow ourselves. Stagnation breeds complacency. Leaders understand this and seek to grow themselves as well as those that they lead. How are we leading others to Christ? Are we taking the time to grow ourselves and to learn more about ourselves…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 9, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 12 Keep the right perspective. Read John 13:13-17. My mom used to call it getting the “big head.” You know, that puffed up, arrogant way of thinking about ourselves. We think we are so good, or so smart, or so perfect that we can do anything. It’s not a good way to be. Instead God calls us to be humble. We are to be like servants. No matter what form of leadership we’re taking, we are ultimately to be serving those people that we lead and showing them what it means to serve God. Our leadership is done through our humility. We have to focus on…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 8, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 11 Servant by choice. Read Mark 10:42-45. These verses speak to the essence of servant leadership. As we have discussed before, Christian leadership is the foundation of the principle of servant leadership. In fact, it’s almost impossible to truly have one without the other. Looking at how we do leadership, we must continuously be evaluating the best way to motivate our team and help them to grow. Often this is by serving them. How do we need to serve our team today? In what way can we build them up instead of trying to build ourselves up today?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 7, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 10 Who do we work for? Read 2 Timothy 2:15. When we get up every morning and we go about the responsibilities of our day, who are we doing that for? Who do we keep in mind and focus on as we’re going through our day? Why do we do what we do? These are all questions that everyone faces, not just leaders. However, leaders have to understand and convey to their teams the purpose behind what they’re doing. It’s important to understand and remember that as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we are doing what we do because we are working for God. It…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 6, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 9 Leadership is not about age. Read 1 Timothy 4:12. Often, when thinking about leadership and people who are great leaders, we realize that their age has nothing to do with leadership. We have all seen amazing leaders who have been much older, much younger, or anywhere in between. I’ve seen leadership displayed in preschool classrooms. I’ve seen leadership displayed in senior centers. However, when we start putting criteria for leadership on ourselves, many times we think we must be older. We mix up the ideas of chronological age with experience and application of that experience. Chronological age only tells someone how many revolutions around the…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 5, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 8 Criteria and qualifications. Read 1 Timothy 3:2-4 As we read through these verses of all the things we see Paul sharing with Timothy that make a Godly leader, it can be a bit overwhelming. There are a lot of high standards that leaders are expected to maintain. Why? Why should we have such high standards for those that we place in positions of leadership? The answer comes from the impact when we have individuals who do not live up to those standards. We have all heard stories of people who had been in roles of leadership in the church or even in businesses, who later…