Christian Devotional – December 15, 2021
The Coming King, Day 14

We have peace in Christ and he never causes us to stumble. Today we are looking at Matthew 11:2-11.
Looking at peace this week while we anticipate and celebrate the coming king, this story may not be exactly what we think of when we think of peace. John the Baptist definitely did not feel peace in this moment. He questioned who Jesus was and whether or not all that he had believed was true. God knows that circumstances come up when we question who he is and we question whether we can truly trust in him and believe in him. Christ provided this reminder for John that we can have peace in him. He is who he says he is and he has done all that he says he will do. Through Christ we have peace.
We may be in a situation like John the Baptist where we question and wonder about Jesus and who he is. Or, we may feel confident in our assurance of the peace of Christ. Either way, Christ is truth and he is peace. We have peace through him. Today use this as a reminder that God’s peace is found through Jesus Christ.