Christian Devotional – November 5, 2024
The Vision, Day 11 Division. Read Ezekiel chapter 11. It’s interesting reading about division today. Here in this chapter, God is telling Ezekiel more about the judgment that is upcoming. But then, he starts to explain his restoration, and how he is going to bring the people of Israel back together. It says he’s going to give them a heart of flesh and remove their heart of stone. He’s going to help them be undivided. As I read that, I understand that unity only happens through Christ. Division will always happen when we are apart and away from Christ. As we go through this important election day here in the…
Christian Devotional – November 4, 2024
The Vision, Day 10 The filling of God’s glory. Read Ezekiel chapter 10. We see Ezekiel encountering God’s glory again. We have the visual representation of the glory of God from chapter 1. Now Ezekiel sees that moving into the temple in Jerusalem. At that point, an awe-inspiring image fills Ezekiel’s eyes. He sees the temple full of God’s glory. When God is able to fill that which is supposed to do to work of God, it is an awesome sight to behold. We understand just how truly impactful God’s glory can be. The question becomes, are we allowing God’s glory to fill us. Are we opening our lives the…
Christian Devotional – November 3, 2024
The Vision, Day 9 The mark. Read Ezekiel chapter 9. As we go through Ezekiel, I’m also reading through Revelation right now, and it is amazing to me how many similarities there are between the book of Ezekiel and the book of Revelation. Here we see one that most people think of when they think of Revelation. Revelation discusses the mark of the beast that people will have on their foreheads. Here we see God ordering a mark of repentance on the people of Israel. God is about to execute judgment on all of the people, and he goes through and has the hearts of each person tested. If those…
Christian Devotional – November 2, 2024
The Vision, Day 8 Dig a little deeper. Read Ezekiel chapter 8. Ezekiel has another vision from the Lord. Through that vision, we see that he is taken to various areas and shown Israel’s sin. When he first arrives at the place, he just sees a wall. But then, the Lord tells him to dig a little deeper and that’s when he uncovers the doorway to their sin. That decision to tell him to dig deeper is a reminder to all of us that when we are looking through our lives and understanding where we’re at, we need to dig deeper. We need to understand more about what God is…
Christian Devotional – November 1, 2024
The Vision, Day 7 Standards. Read Ezekiel chapter 7. God uses this chapter to explain the totality of the judgment that is coming. We see that unlike many other judgments where he says he will keep a remnant or he will save a group, he doesn’t mention anything like that here. Everyone is going to be subjected to the judgment that is coming. He also indicates that the standard by which people have been judging themselves, that is the standard that he will use to judge them. I find that interesting because it means that we can’t even keep our own standards of right and wrong. We aren’t even good…
Christian Devotional – October 31, 2024
The Vision, Day 6 Complete judgment. Read Ezekiel chapter 6. God’s judgment is coming and it will impact everyone. You see, Ezekiel has been portraying the vision of the coming judgment of God. The people didn’t necessarily believe that was coming because they couldn’t see it, and it wasn’t happening right now. Yet that doesn’t change the fact that God was going to completely wipe out the people for their sin and idolatry. God wants us to follow him and God makes ways and time for us to be able to come to repentance, but that time will run out. We are to be the warning to those around us…
Christian Devotional – October 30, 2024
The Vision, Day 5 Harsh reality. Read Ezekiel chapter 5. God walks Ezekiel through more very specific demonstrations that he is to do to share the upcoming judgment with the people of Israel. These seem harsh and difficult. God tells him that he’s going to make the people a reproach among the nations. It’s a reminder that God is ultimately the one in charge of our reputation. If we are obedient to him and are following him, then God can protect our reputation. If we are not obedient to him, then God is going to allow the other nations to know that we are not following him so they are…
Christian Devotional – October 29, 2024
The Vision, Day 4 The example. Read Ezekiel chapter 4. God gives Ezekiel his first assignment. Ezekiel is to demonstrate the sin of Israel and the sin of Judah. He is to become a living example to the people of what their sin looks like to God. I’m sure this was not exactly what Ezekiel had in mind when he received God’s message that he was going to be used as a prophet. But yet here he is, lying in the dirt for over a year to demonstrate the sin of the people. It can be hard to truly understand what our sin looks like to God. We are not…
Christian Devotional – October 28, 2024
The Vision, Day 3 Responsibility. Read Ezekiel chapter 3. God is explaining to Ezekiel his responsibility. God is going to give him a message and he is to share that message with the people. God goes so far as to explain to Ezekiel the true depth of his responsibility. Because the Ezekiel knows the truth, if Ezekiel does not share it with the people, he is also responsible for their sin and judgment. We have a responsibility to share God’s message with everyone who needs it. If we do not warn them, then we must realize that we are accountable for their judgment as well. We must share what we…
Christian Devotional – October 27, 2024
The Vision, Day 2 Obedience in spite of the response. Read Ezekiel chapter 2. After showing Ezekiel all his glory in the last chapter, God now calls him to be the one to share his message. God reminds him that the people he is coming to are rebellious. Those people may respond to God’s message or they may not. That’s really not Ezekiel’s concern. Ezekiel is to be obedient to God. Now that he’s seen God’s glory, he knows just how amazing God is. He has to share the message, no matter the response. Do we feel that way? Have we encountered God in such a way that we truly…